How is it there?
Offside the skyline life is real and pure.
Improvising is working together with appreciating old wisdom and experience.
It’s a small island. There are always new people coming. But there is there are also people living there for generations. Therefore people support each other. Some things are limited but people are creative and solve problems together and that is what’s making this place so unique
So you will always find your gems!
A skate school with no skate park. A skate community where everyone is welcomed.
Thats the skatepark. Everyone is celebrating the new obstacle home-build. Every Tuesday and Saturday the group checking the floor for little rocks and wast and is aranging everything that everyone can practise something. When the sun sets behind the mosque we all can hear the prayer. Of other sport groups around us we can see people getting their praying carper out of there car. For me it’s a moment of thankfulness. I realise what a privilege it is that we can skate here all together in peace, girls guys boys women all together. Sometimes it’s the moment where I put my camera and my skateboard away and go to someone and ask what their highlight of the week was or how i can help them.
But it start’s with practise basics just being on a board feeling connected. Feeling connected to your body, even when it gets turbulent or going down hill.
Clay is a good teacher
Clay can dance and help us to be in the moment – to help others – to accept help. Clay falls and breaks. We can start over again. We learn when it’s time to do a break for a tea to go outside and sit in the shade the stories of this place.